Scenario: You have £10,000 invested in a General Investment Account (GIA) and make two trades per month. One trade is a UK stock worth £250, and the other a US stock worth £250.
Dealing commission
Basic plan FX rate - 0.99%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1%
Investor Essentials plan
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1.5%
0.25% dealing account fee
Dealing commission
FX rate - 0.75%
Comparison Disclosure
Costs are based on those published costs on the other providers’ websites as of 31 August 2024. They are shown for illustrative purposes only. For confirmation of their up-to-date charges and product information, you should visit their websites.
Hargreaves Lansdown:
There is no charge for a share dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). Dealing commission is charged per trade (buy or sell) and reduces, depending on the number of trades executed in the previous month, to £8.95 per trade for 10-19 trades, and £5.95 for 20 or more trades. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1% for the first £5,000, 0.75% for the next £5,000, 0.50% for the next £10,000, and 0.25% for anything above £20,000.
Interactive Investor:
Subscription fee is based on the Investor Essentials plan which allows for a maximum portfolio size of £50,000 across a GIA, ISA or combination of both. For portfolios above £50,000, customers are switched to the Investor Plan which costs £11.99/mo. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1.25% for trades between £25,000 - £49,999, 1.0% for trades between £50,000 - £99,999.99, 0.50% for trades between £100,000 - £599,999, and 0.25% for trades of £600,000 or more.
AJ Bell:
There is a 0.25% charge on the value of shares held in the dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). This 0.25% charge is capped at £3.50/mo. Fee per trade (buy or sell) reduces to £3.50 if 10 or more trades were executed in the previous month. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 0.75% for the first £10,000, 0.50% for £10,001 - £20,000, and 0.25% for anything over £20,000.
Scenario: You have £10,000 invested in a General Investment Account (GIA), and £40,000 invested in a stocks and shares ISA. You make two trades per month: one trade is a UK stock worth £250, and the other a US stock worth £250.
Dealing commission
Standard plan FX rate - 0.59%
Share dealing account
0.45% ISA fee
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1%
Investor Essentials plan
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1.5%
0.25% dealing account fee
0.25% ISA fee
Dealing commission
FX rate - 0.75%
Comparison Disclosure
Costs are based on those published costs on the other providers’ websites as of 31 August 2024. They are shown for illustrative purposes only. For confirmation of their up-to-date charges and product information, you should visit their websites.
Subscription fee is based on the equivalent monthly cost of the Standard subscription fee if paid annually.
Hargreaves Lansdown:
There is no charge for a share dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). There is a 0.45% charge on the value of shares held in the ISA, capped at £3.75/mo. Dealing commission is charged per trade (buy or sell) and reduces, depending on the number of trades executed in the previous month, to £8.95 per trade for 10-19 trades, and £5.95 for 20 or more trades. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1% for the first £5,000, 0.75% for the next £5,000, 0.50% for the next £10,000, and 0.25% for anything above £20,000.
Interactive Investor:
Subscription fee is based on the Investor Essentials plan which allows for a maximum portfolio size of £50,000 across a GIA, ISA or combination of both. For portfolios above £50,000, customers are switched to the Investor Plan which costs £11.99/mo. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1.25% for trades between £25,000 - £49,999, 1.0% for trades between £50,000 - £99,999.99, 0.50% for trades between £100,000 - £599,999, and 0.25% for trades of £600,000 or more.
AJ Bell:
There is a 0.25% charge on the value of shares held in the ISA and/or dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). This 0.25% charge is capped at £3.50/mo. Fee per trade reduces to £3.50 if 10 or more trades were executed in the previous month. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 0.75% for the first £10,000, 0.50% for £10,001 - £20,000, and 0.25% for anything over £20,000.
Scenario: You have £10,000 invested in a General Investment Account (GIA), £40,000 invested in a stocks and shares ISA, and £50,000 invested in a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). You make two trades per month: one trade is a UK stock worth £250, and the other a US stock worth £250.
Dealing commission
Plus plan FX rate - 0.39%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1.5%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 0.75%
Comparison Disclosure
Costs are based on those published costs on the other providers’ websites as of 9 January 2025. They are shown for illustrative purposes only. For confirmation of their up-to-date charges and product information, you should visit their websites.
Subscription fee is based on the equivalent monthly cost of the Plus subscription fee if paid annually.
Hargreaves Lansdown:
There is no charge for a share dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). There is a 0.45% charge on the value of shares held in the ISA and the SIPP, capped at £3.75/mo for the ISA, and £200/yr for the SIPP. Dealing commission is charged per trade (buy or sell) and reduces, depending on the number of trades executed in the previous month, to £8.95 per trade for 10-19 trades, and £5.95 for 20 or more trades. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1% for the first £5,000, 0.75% for the next £5,000, 0.50% for the next £10,000, and 0.25% for anything above £20,000.
Interactive Investor:
Subscription fee is based on the Investor + SIPP plan. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1.25% for trades between £25,000 - £49,999, 1.0% for trades between £50,000 - £99,999.99, 0.50% for trades between £100,000 - £599,999, and 0.25% for trades of £600,000 or more.
AJ Bell:
There is a 0.25% charge on the value of shares held in the ISA, SIPP and/or dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). The fee is capped at £3.50/mo for the GIA and ISA, and £10/mo for the SIPP. Fee per trade reduces to £3.50 if 10 or more trades were executed in the previous month. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 0.75% for the first £10,000, 0.50% for £10,001 - £20,000, and 0.25% for anything over £20,000.
Scenario: You have £20,000 invested in a General Investment Account (GIA), £80,000 invested in a stocks and shares ISA, and £150,000 invested in a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). You make ten trades per month: five trades in UK stocks totalling £5,000, and five trades in US stocks totalling £5,000.
Dealing commission
Plus plan FX rate - 0.39%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 1.5%
Dealing commission
FX rate - 0.75%
Comparison Disclosure
Costs are based on those published costs on the other providers’ websites as of 9 January 2025. They are shown for illustrative purposes only. For confirmation of their up-to-date charges and product information, you should visit their websites.
Subscription fee is based on the equivalent monthly cost of the Plus subscription fee if paid annually.
Hargreaves Lansdown:
There is no charge for a share dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). There is a 0.45% charge on the value of shares held in the ISA and the SIPP, capped at £3.75/mo for the ISA, and £200/yr for the SIPP. The illustration assumes a discounted £8.95 trade per fee which is applied when 10-19 trades were executed in the previous month. The standard fee per trade is £11.95, and this drops to £5.95 when 20 or more trades were executed in the previous month. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1% for the first £5,000, 0.75% for the next £5,000, 0.50% for the next £10,000, and 0.25% for anything above £20,000.
Interactive Investor:
Subscription fee is based on the Investor + SIPP plan. The Investor plan allows for one free trade credit worth £3.99 per month. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1.25% for trades between £25,000 - £49,999, 1.0% for trades between £50,000 - £99,999.99, 0.50% for trades between £100,000 - £599,999, and 0.25% for trades of £600,000 or more.
AJ Bell:
There is a 0.25% charge on the value of shares held in the ISA, SIPP and/or dealing account, which is the equivalent to a general investment account (GIA). The fee is capped at £3.50/mo for the GIA and ISA, and £10/mo for the SIPP. The illustration assumes a discounted £3.50 fee per trade which is applied when 10 or more trades were executed in the previous month. The standard fee per trade is £5. The FX rate reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 0.75% for the first £10,000, 0.50% for £10,001 - £20,000, and 0.25% for anything over £20,000.