Transfer in Declarations

Transfer in Declarations

I confirm that I wish to transfer the pension benefits from my transferring pension scheme(s), detailed in my application, into the Freetrade SIPP and instruct all relevant parties to proceed with arranging those transfers.


I authorise, instruct and apply to the current provider to transfer sums and assets from the plan(s) as listed in my transfer application, directly to Platform One Limited and to provide any instructions and/or discharge required by any relevant third party to do so.


I accept that in order to comply with regulatory obligations, Platform One Limited and the current provider named in this application may need to verify my identity and residential address, and may use credit reference agency searches and ask for my documents to verify my identity and address.


Until this application is accepted and complete, Platform One Limited's responsibility is limited to the return of the total payment(s) to the current provider(s).


When payment is made to Platform One Limited as instructed, this means that I shall no longer be entitled to receive pension benefits from the whole of the plan(s) listed in my transfer application where the whole of the plan(s) is transferring, or that part of the plan(s) represented by the payment(s) if only part of the plan(s) is transferring.


I have read any information provided or made available to me by the current provider in connection with this transfer.


I accept responsibility in respect of any claims, losses, expenses, additional tax charges or any penalties that Platform One Limited and the current provider may incur as a result of any incorrect, untrue or misleading information in this application or given by me, or on my behalf, or of any failure on my part to comply with any aspect of this application.


I authorise Platform One Limited, the current provider, any contributing Employer and any financial intermediary named in this application to obtain from each other, and release to each other, any information that may be required to enable the transfer of sums and assets to Platform One Limited.